The following is a brief 10 minute survey that we ask you to complete in advance of your first consultation with our coaching team. The information you provide will help us get to know more about you, your business, and how we can best assist you on your journey. Any personal information you provide is kept confidential.
Let's get started!
About Your Business
The following questions help us get a sense of what kind of business you have, your needs, and additional resources that may be available for your specific type of business such as grant opportunities or government assistance programs.
Please include the number of Full-time, Part-time, and Seasonal workers if applicable.
Demographic Information
In order for RCAP to continue offering free technical assistance and coaching to small businesses, our funders need to know that we are reaching the businesses our grants are intended to serve. Please help us continue supporting small businesses like you by answering the following demographic questions. The information you provide is strictly anonymous, your name and contact information is never associated with any data reported to our funders. Thank you!